Will Self-Improvement Drive Your Friends Away?

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Will Self-Improvement Drive Your Friends Away?

Ever feel alone in wanting to rapidly advance your life on your terms?

I sure have.

Even the closest people in my life have turned to haters at the most painful moments.

Example: the first time we ever put on an online workshop for command z, there was a forum I belonged to.

I won’t mention it by name, but let’s say it was not much better than the slew of YouTube comments on any given video.

Everyone acted like big supporters until we actually put up a course for people to do.

At that moment, they mostly started shouting how stupid and gay we were. Yeah, they said that.

I have no idea what The Way Down course had to do with homosexuality, except that it worked wonders for all people. LGBT or not, aliens, and underwater creatures not yet discovered could all aim toward transcendence and get the effortless life advances all our courses conspire to deliver.

But who cares? My girlfriend at the time would be elated when she heard we sold out the course on our first time out, right?


All she did was make a sneering, disgusted face, looked down at the dirt, and said, “well, that’s not much,” and then walked away.

After I picked my jaw up off the ground, I realized, sadly, that I couldn’t rely on anyone. That relation didn’t last much longer.

Yeah, many friends had my back, but damn, it felt sad to realize all the great business folk I knew were telling the truth:

When you start rapidly advancing your life by the power of the art of NGF combined with radical undoing, be ready for the inevitable onslaught of haters emerging among your friends and family.

But don’t worry about it either. Let them down gently, for they know not what they do.

It ain’t their fault.

It’s yours….

If you’re still in danger of getting crushed by someone’s robotic opinion, then you certainly ain’t free.

And if you ain’t free, then it doesn’t matter a lick what anyone thinks of you, because you’ll never feel truly happy in your own mind.

Thing is, you get to choose who to keep in your life, and who to jettison.

Just think about how many people complain in your FB stream every day.

Now read the comments.

Go on, I’ll wait.

More complaints, yes?

Commiserating among the complainers will win you accolades, but you’ll still never end up happy and excited about your life.

You’ll still keep feeling like a fake, while your friends keep on consoling you and joining in the crying chorus of complaining.

But if you want real freedom, where you love your life today, and even more tomorrow, onward into infinity–filled with generous, authentic friends,

Friends who cut your victim cries short with urges toward adventure and fun,

People who push you ever further toward the life you really want, built on your own terms, with fun and enjoyment as the perpetual goal…

If you want those things, then it’s time to ditch the complainers and get to work.

Here’s 80+ ways to start, today, with permanent results that keep getting better the further you go:


Here’s the best part: the course takes place in our secret, private forum.

So you can connect with other people all over the world doing this crazy NGF and Energized Meditation work.

You can start to normalize a lust for adventure in your daily life, with one of the world’s most supportive groups of people ever gathered.

There’s no way your life won’t change. There’s no way your plans won’t grow.

The only way to stop your growth is to keep letting the fear of haters get in your way.

Stop it!

Time to come back to come back to life: 
