NGF30: How and Why Imagination is the Most Important Force in Your Life

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF30: How and Why Imagination is the Most Important Force in Your Life

Everything ever created by humans has one thing in common: all of it had to pass through the imagination of a single individual before it could appear in physical reality.

In the same way you could never earn yourself a University degree without first imagining yourself through the steps of getting enrolled, and everything else it takes to graduate–you’ll never experience anything new, different, or outside of your false limitations if it doesn’t first pass through your imagination.

Yes, life does surprise us all, but if we want to live a deeply satisfying, rich, and beautiful life of experience and joy–it all starts with getting in charge of your imagination again.

Later, we’ll show you how to set it free, but for now, you’ve got to stop it from creating swamps of self-doubt, shame, and guilt in the dark corners of your mind.

Today’s episode is all about the power of the imagination.

Have fun, and enjoy. Leave us an honest rating and review in itunes!


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