What do monkeys, chips, and worlds have in common?

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

What do monkeys, chips, and worlds have in common?

Today I promised to get into my own undoing story a little more deeply than yesterday. I’ll be telling a lot more of the story as we go, and giving you some exercises and motivation along the way.

I recently asked folks on FB what they feel is the most important factor in self transformation. What do you think they said?

The most common answer was motivation.

So, my goal with these emails, and with all the courses, workshops and live experiences is not only to give you the most powerful, effective, and satisfying transformation techniques and approaches in the known universe–but also to help keep you motivated to take action and actually DO the exercises, experiments, and adventures on a daily basis–so you can start living a more flowing and enjoyable life…right fucking now.

I want this to be so beneficial to you that it even helps you start living a better and more fulfilling life yesterday. 

Yes, you read that correctly. I said I want to make your life better yesterday, as well as today and tomorrow. How the hell can I do that, you ask?

By getting you to shrug all the shit off your shoulders that really doesn’t matter. Once you do that, even the most difficult and painful of your memories will start to reveal something deeper…something moresomething quite beautiful when you learn how to stop interpreting and judging, and instead, start appreciating everything about your life, and what brought you to where you are now–> waking up and taking action to make it even better.

That’s what monkeys, chips, and worlds all have in common: none of them belong on your shoulders!

(Ok, it could be cool to have a monkey on your shoulder, I agree. But don’t let him get on your back, or you’ll have real trouble trying to remove him.)

The point of all this is to get you to realize that when you focus on problems, challenges, obstacles, complaints, and other shit that brings you down, you’re not focusing on appreciating and flowing with what’s actually going on in the life you’re actually experiencing.

Once you get all those imaginary burdens out of your mind, you can start taking action and doing things that bring you tremendous joy and satisfaction. All those things you’ve always wanted to do, but make excuses for why you CAN’T. Start now by replacing all your CANTs with WONTs, and then decide to do what it takes to turn your WONTs into WILL!

Then do it.

Just like today’s exercise. This is one of the first exercises I learned after the face stretching, and I gave it the name Atlas Shrugged, to remind me of the statue of Atlas and how it’s time to let go of the news, the issues, the woes of the world, and to start doing what you can with what you’ve got.

Just pull your shoulders up to your ears as high and as tightly as you can (be careful if you have injuries…NEVER force anything). Hold them up with a lot of tension and pressure for AT LEAST one full minute. Keep breathing the whole time.

Once the minute’s up, inhale fully, pull them up even tighter, and then thrust them down while making a loud “AH” sound and exhaling fully. Then just feel the effects the exercise had on you.

Here’s a look at a brand new video I made for a special new course we’re putting together. I wanted to show it to you first, so let me know what you think. I really value hearing from you, and I write back to everyone.

When I first did Atlas Shrugged, I remember feeling so much relief in my shoulders, and in my mind. At that time, many of my old faithful allegiances to politics, saving the world, social groups, pressure from family and friends, and even my deeply ingrained habits of eating and thinking were starting to crack and crumble away. The shoulder exercise helped me to crawl out from underneath that top-heavy existence I’d caged myself in and start living my own life.

Hopefully you’ll have an easier experience than I did. I still spent a few more years searching to get free of my beliefs and start flowing with my own life.

More on that in the next post, when I explain exactly how I learned to start laughing at everything you’re not supposed to laugh at. (hint: it’s actually possible to enjoy everything, and laugh at it all–it just takes one simple adjustment most people aren’t willing to make. Are you?)

Oh yeah, and I’ll let you know about a live Q and A session on google hangouts to learn more about Undoing, the intensives, and whatever else you want to chat about.

Enjoy…because it’s your life, and it’s the only life you’ve got.



PS: If you actually tried out the exercise, leave a comment right away and let me know how it goes. What other kinds of exercises would you like to see? And keep in mind, the more you repeat these exercises, the deeper and more powerful results you’ll get.