Listen Up! This simple trick gets their rapt attention every time.

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Listen Up! This simple trick gets their rapt attention every time.

And by “their attention” I mean virtually ANYONE you need or want to build quick rapport and deep connection with.

Assuming you’re not the Hunchback of Notre Dame or the modern day Elephant Man, this simple approach to people skills will put you miles ahead of the other guys and gals using millions of tricks, lines, and complicated systems to *fake* connection with people.

Photo by Garrett Daun All Rights Reserved.

It’s like putting your people skills on an iron rail fast track.

With this “trick,” you’ll find you don’t really need to worry about your people skills, because you’ll be a natural. Not only that, but you won’t be faking it.

You’ll be deeply connecting with people, and those people will respect and admire you for it. You’ll respect and admire yourself, too, because you’re not relying on some sleazy system to live your life by.

I’ll tell you exactly how to do it in a moment, but first I have something important I need you to know.

I’ve spent thousands of hours researching, experimenting, adventuring, and exploring endless techniques, methods, concepts, systems, and approaches to life change, personal evolution, and ultimately–transcendence of the normal human victimhood.

The good news is that–looking back over the last few years of Command Z, I’m proud to say that everything you’ll find here delivers big-time results.

The bad news is that I can finally see the big mistake I’ve been making all this time.

I’ve tried to reach out to too many people, at much too low of prices.

Can you guess why that is?

The amount of value I can offer the individual ready for true transcendence in his or her life is astronomical. What I’ve put together can free you up from a life of servitude, break the chains of family, society, conditioning, habits, fear, and suffering.

That’s just the tip of the sinking titanic.

Even more, if you diligently apply yourself to the Command Z training, explorations, and adventures, you’ll find out for yourself just how beautiful, transcendent, mysterious, deeply satisfying, and joyous your own life can be.

So I’ve been a complete asshole to both myself, and to you, my dear friend.

Because making these grand promises and then slapping a ten dollar, hundred dollar, or even thousand dollar pricetag on them does everyone a great disservice.

What I have to offer will give your entire life a radical, extreme makeover–inside and out. But not when you get one session and then spend another year deliberating if you’re going to make changes or just sink back into your own suffering.

This takes a deep, potent, diligent commitment to go as far as it’s possible for a human being to go. To explore the final frontier that is your inner and outer life. To drop your problems and baggage to finally be free and start exploring the life you’ve always known was there, but never knew how to access.

This is just the beginning of a major transformation of Command Z, and needless to say, what comes next is going to be very expensive, and will require a massive commitment–as it should, if I’m to honestly reflect the value of what I have to offer you.

With that in mind, I urge you to dive into the various training options while they’re still available. Everyone who has access now to our workshops, trainings (ten bucks? I’m an idiot!), intensives (my personal favorite), and courses like Undoing 101 will maintain access for life.

That’s my ongoing gift to you for seeing the value in YOURSELF and your deepest potentials, even while I’ve dramatically undervalued these offerings.

No more discounts. No more haggling. No more fucking around. This is your life we’re talking about here. Not just some weekend exploration you put down and forget about while sinking back into the doldrums and quicksand and the swamps of sadness screaming “ARTEX” while your trusty steed dies of sorrow.

No. This is for the handful of people on this planet who want serious, permanent transcendence of the standard drama suffering package most people are dealt at birth.

No more pulling punches. This stuff really works. Reliably. Over and over with every single person who puts in the effort and is willing to face a WHOLE and BEAUTIFUL life with a smile and a deep belly laugh–allt he way through hell, if that’s what’s required.

The price will be high–but the return on your investment is out of this world, off the charts, and completely within your reach.

One more thing before I tell you the stupidly simple trick to build rapport and deep connection with other people. I’m putting on this event for free (again, I’m a fool…) on Saturday, so if you want to learn some new techniques for stealing back your time, your mind, and your very life, then I’ll see you there.

Now for that trick I mentioned.

You better listen deeply to me here if you want to get the most out of it. I’m completely serious when I tell you that this is ridiculously simple. So simple that you might just laugh it off and never gain the insane benefits from actually applying it.

Here it is:

Listen deeply to people. Get them talking about their hopes, fears, dreams, and loves. It can be anything. Clothes. Hobbies. Cars. Sports. Vacations. Places. Stories. Whatever the hell you hear them talking about, just give it the space it deserves.

Most people NEVER feel truly listened to. If you’re the one person in their lives who takes the time to truly listen, and to make them feel important, they will love you. They will remember you. They will want to make you happy. They will feel instantly happier, healthier, and more satisfied with their lives–simply from you taking the time to deeply listen.

Don’t ever take my word for it. Try it yourself and you’ll experience exactly what I mean.

This is a huge secret that most people will never have the patience and willingness to actually apply.

When’s the last time you deeply listened to someone? When’s the last time you felt like someone deeply listened to you?

Hit reply to this email and let me know your thoughts and feelings about it. I truly love to hear from you, and to engage in some deeper dialog than what’s possible in this format.

Talk to you very soon with even bigger news.

For now, keep undoing yourself, enjoying your life, and laughing your ass off every chance you get–let the haters be damned.

Best (of all possible worlds),
