
Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

on the poverty of complaint

complaint occludes appreciation and observation. complaints are excuses for inaction. take action to change circumstances you don’t like, yes, but do not complain about them. circumstances provide inspiration for action. observe the movement of complaint. it narrows awareness into delusional focus on some imagined slight, pain, blame, discomfort. awareness dissolves complaint. halting complaint does not…
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yes sir, no sir, thank you sir

“people say things like, ‘think outside the box’ and ‘do your own thing.’ ‘be you,’ is what they say, ‘do you.’ but they don’t really mean that. what they really mean is, ‘do what we want you to do, and then do you if it doesn’t affect us.’” -katt williams, pimpadelic there is one trait…
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undo: radical undoing podcast 02

In undo: radical undoing podcast 02, we get into the history of Radical Undoing, answer more listener questions, and we allow a guest to introduce a set of very powerful techniques. See the video we mention by clicking here. Post questions in the comments section and/or via email.

undoing inertia

undoing: removing the layers of tension, fear, and worry layered on top of the organic, primal self in the form of muscle armoring or chronic tension. inertia: objects at rest tend to stay at rest. objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless changed by an external or internal force. undoing inertia the title…
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flat foot charlie, the flop, shoulders to ears

as mentioned in undo: radical undoing podcast 02. combine these three simple, powerful exercises. fuse body, brain, and mind. dissolve tensions and make use of what remains. demonstration:

trust your process

this excerpt comes from stanley keleman via richard grossinger’s online article, a primary reading list “we have given too much weight to how we feel about our actions or intended actions as a measure of self-value. this makes us disloyal to our own process…. “most of us live our life according to our image of…
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Break out of the asylum of anxiety and tension with Radical Undoing(No new age BS!)

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