
you awake?

during dream, the limbic system (the part of the brain that governs emotion) is extremely active, reacting to dream content as though it were processing real events; the prefrontal cortex (which governs “higher” functions such as logic and planning), on the other hand, has its activity decreased dramatically. the average person has enough difficulty keeping his…
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3 simple ways to relax now

how many times has someone told you, “relax…” ? probably more than you care to remember. telling someone to relax or chill is a sure way of getting them more upset. many times people command others to do things they don’t know how to do. “relax” is one of those commands. this article will arm…
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exit through the gift shop

my heroes are not gurus, swamis or saints. i trust that type about as much as i a do a telemarketer. these days, my heroes are mostly comedians, and they all possess a few qualities that i admire: the ability to see what is around them… …to process that information intelligently, according to their own perspectives …to be…
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on appreciation

appreciation: 1. ≈ the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something ≈ gratitude for something ≈ sensitive understanding of the aesthetic value of something use appreciation as a way to gather and concentrate attention. focus the attention on the body and the current situation you find it in. express appreciation for…
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on the poverty of complaint

complaint occludes appreciation and observation. complaints are excuses for inaction. take action to change circumstances you don’t like, yes, but do not complain about them. circumstances provide inspiration for action. observe the movement of complaint. it narrows awareness into delusional focus on some imagined slight, pain, blame, discomfort. awareness dissolves complaint. halting complaint does not…
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