
🍀Why they call me “Teret” and think I’m a spy🍀

A little back-story: I moved to a small city in rural Croatia about 4 years ago. There’s a phrase here: “Croatia is a village.” Sometimes this is meant in kind terms, like everyone knows each other, many old fashioned ways of life are still prominent and available, and people generally like to help each other.…
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Garrett Daun of Command Z

What is Radical Undoing? (Interview with Garrett)

What is “Radical Undoing?” How is it a form of Yoga? Garrett Daun (GD): Radical Undoing is a transformative form of bodywork, breathing and meditation that delivers profound results, even in a single session. It cuts through mental chatter and emotional stress to give you deep awareness of your body. This experience is pleasurable and powerful…
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Are you afraid of life?

Want to feel fully alive again? Therapy, self development, and “healing” won’t cut it. Too many false assumptions under those labels. Read on to find out what WILL cut it. What’s under that suit of armor (tense muscles) of yours? Have you ever wondered why most people live in a state of constant tension and…
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silhouette of a man during sunset

NGF54: Floki the Croatian Boatbuilder


Tonight on the Art of NGF show, Garrett and Floki–the mysterious Croatian boatbuilder–discuss the prison of tradition most people get trapped in, and steps you can take immediately to break free from it. From Floki’s perspective, the roots of human pain and suffering can be found in their unconscious addiction to repeating things they really…
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NGF53: Piercing the Veil of Nothingness with Mark Unno

Long ago in the Emerald City, a younger version of Garrett Daun completed a Religious Studies and Creative Writing Degree at the University there. During that time, he attended one of his favorite classes of all time: The Dark Self East and West, with a Japanese Shin Buddhist Priest as the professor. The course was…
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NGF52: Rebuilding the Man with Jesse Lee Peterson

We interviewed a very special guest–Jesse Lee Peterson–a couple years ago, but we decided at that time to keep the interview private for our paid clients. After much consideration, and the coming relaunch of the Art of NGF show, we’re making it public. Garrett and Jesse go deep into why men are so weak, why…
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