
Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF55: On the Ubiquity of Deception in Our Times Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | TuneIn | RSS | MoreGarrett and Joel discuss and explore the near-absolute ubiquity of deception in the world and in our lives. Background: Joel is a facebook friend who shared some interests with me, so I reached out for a discussion, with the sense that it…
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Workshop: Overcome PTSD & Childhood Trauma

What if everything you’ve learned about trauma and PTSD was wrong? What if it’s possible to overcome PTSD and childhood trauma with nothing more than your body, breath, and a few paradigm shifts that will forever change how you view yourself, your life, and the painful, intense experiences of the past? I propose it is…
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Felt like I might go insane

I thought I was going crazy.  I was at a house party with a bunch of occultists and new age weirdos.  We’d just finished eating an amazing BBQ with all kinds of Turkish and Middle Eastern foods.  My friend Vandimir and I had both accidentally eaten a few strips of raw steak, mistaking the marinade…
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Can you tell the difference between thoughts and reality?

First, a story.  Long time ago, circa 1999, way out in the woods somewhere in the Wisconsin wilderness.  I was attending an environmentalist protest gathering with my girlfriend Janie.  The event was mostly just a glorified camp out for weirdos who wanted to protest against destroying the wilderness, cutting down national forests, and urban sprawl,…
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On the desperate pain of endless seeking

INITIATION? The year was 2004. Blindfolded, knees knocking, heart beating fast, maddening images of terror flashing through my imagination, I sat in the cold lobby, waiting for the initiation to start. It was the first of many I’d undergo. Maybe it was the sense of adventure, or the unfathomable curiosity about the unknown that drove my quest. I…
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“This is better than drugs!”

It happened again. Today during a first-time client’s Undoing Session, he exclaimed about halfway through: “This is better than drugs!” To which I added: “And the effects are permanent over time.” Here’s how and why Radical Undoing is better than substances, including pharmed ones: -as mentioned above, the effects last way longer, and compound over…
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