Are you afraid of life?

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Are you afraid of life?

River Drava, Osijek, Croatia, by Garrett Daun

Want to feel fully alive again?

Therapy, self development, and “healing” won’t cut it. Too many false assumptions under those labels.

Read on to find out what WILL cut it.

What’s under that suit of armor (tense muscles) of yours?

Have you ever wondered why most people live in a state of constant tension and overreaction?

It boils down to what Lowen called “Fear of Life.”

When I was a wee lad, my parents fought a lot.

I remember my whole body tensing up, breathing shallow-and even holding my breath, listening to them yell at each other.

That’s where the armor starts to build up for most of us.

When we’re little kids, getting yelled at, bossed around by parents and teachers, our movement restricted by a desk or couch for much of the day.

Lucky for me, we didn’t have smart phones—kids now develop face, neck, chest and diaphragm tension early on in front of phones and tablets.

The chronic tension builds up and becomes like a suit of internal armor, to keep us safe from the slings and arrows of life.

Youthful curiosity gets replaced with suspicion and fear—which leads to more tension—more armor.

This cycle continues from early intense and painful experiences all the way to the grave, unless you undo the tension somehow—unless you remove the armor.

So what does it mean to be afraid of life and wearing a suit of tense muscle armor?

It means:

-you’ll overreact to everything, even the stray thoughts in your mind

-you’ll never feel fully alive, and when you do feel aliveness, you’ll label it anxiety, and take a pill or go to therapy

-you’ll cycle between anxiety (aliveness) and depression (tensing against aliveness)

-you won’t see reality clearly—it will remain obscured by the tension and fear, lodged deep in the muscles of the eyes and face

-you’ll always feel like something’s missing

-as you get older, you’ll find a lack of deep satisfaction and enjoyment of life

-your orgasms will be tense and restricted to the pelvic region only

-you’ll forget how to deeply relax

-worst of all, you’ll forget the deep sense of inner peace that is your birthright.

There’s a lot more I can say about this suit of armor, but the point is not to make an extended analytic study of it.

The point is to undo it, to remove it, to feel fully alive again, and to recover that sense of lasting inner peace you left behind in childhood when you first started donning the armor.

Why undo it?

So you can resume your natural growth and development as a human adult, and recover the enthusiasm, joy, humor, and exuberance you had as a child.

Everything else in life becomes easier, more flowing, and more enjoyable—even in intense and painful circumstances.

Those are but a few reasons you might want to avail yourself of the radical undoing experience.

One of the best ways to do that is to jump on the Sunday Undoing sessions we’ve been doing on Zoom since 2015.

Soon, I’ll be releasing the full catalog of Undoing training and courses I’ve made over the last 15 years.

Everyone in the weekly undoing group sessions will get early access and a lower members-only rate.

Get in while you can.

If the group thing scares you, you will also get access to the session video each week—but I assure you, once you meet the other undoing folks, your sense of social anxiety will rapidly fade away.

Get in on it here: