Hey… Leggo my Ego! (There’s nothing wrong with you.)

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Hey… Leggo my Ego! (There’s nothing wrong with you.)

Remember those old commercials for Eggo Waffles?

This one is particularly funny, even a little disturbing:

I’m afraid to get into the whole Ego thing because words fail at this every time, and yet the emptiness of words hints at something you already know–something you can’t describe either.

Somehow, the book The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism ended up on our trip to Bogota, Colombia, from where you’re receiving this email right now.

I’ve read it before. Many times, in fact. But what the hell does this have to do with the real secret about the Ego I’ve set myself up to transmit to you?

And what’s all this about transcending your life as a victim of circumstances and becoming an adventurer in the truest sense of the word?

Worry not, dear Jedi; I’ll get to that in a moment.

First, some background. The only way to understand this great secret of the ego is to live it yourself–in your body and your own perception.

The understanding is just a byproduct of the lived experience. Once you’ve lived it, the understanding is unnecessary; a trifle.

(Ready to live it for yourself? Join us for the next Hypnosis and Undoing Workshop Series…Maybe the last one ever, before we reveal the new direction of Command Z and Art of Not Giving a Fuck.)

One way to begin to grasp what I’m telling you here is to see clearly the difference between Command Z and the mass of self-development, religion, practices, spirituality, and all the rest.

Everything you’ll learn and experience in Command Z gets you back to the ground of you yourself. You as a body. You as the Ego, exactly as you find yourself flowing right now, and now, and now. And NO, ego is not a problem. Far from it.

How many times have you heard in the New Age and spiritual milieu that you’ve got to kill your Ego?

Did it ever occur to you to question that widely accepted–and widely unquestioned–assumption?

It’s the great battle cry of all the wounded egos gathered together in a bomb shelter hiding out from the glory of reality and a life of endless exploration. Hiding out in service of an abstract idea that they pretend to swear subservience to.


The funny thing is, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your Ego. Which means there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, right there, as you are now, and now, and now, and now. Now, why did I say now so many times like that?

Because, the Ego is only flowing, only playing, only turning everything into it’s pastime.

What you’ve had beaten out of you since you were a tiny little baby is the ability to enjoy a life of play, of exploration, of adventure.

The fucking beautiful, excellent, amazing thing is that you’ve never lost that life. It never went anywhere. Part of the adventure of Ego is the act of forgetting about the life of adventure and exploring the experience of victimhood. Of believing in something greater than yourself. Of creating concepts and ideas and Gods and morals and ethics and then pretending to serve them.

Of course, you actually serve no one. In reality, everything serves you. You’ve just forgotten how to see it.

Check out these bits from the book I mentioned above:

“All truth in itself is dead, a corpse; it is alive only in the way that my lungs are alive–namely, in proportion to my own vitality.” (118)

And further, about the Ego: “…nothing could erase the self’s being the self–this bodily self, with it’s inherent I-ness, it’s ownness. Beaten down by God, the state, society, and humanity, it nevertheless slowly began to raise its head again.” (116)

And finally, “the Ego claims its uniqueness and ownness, embraces within itself all other things and ideas, assimilates and appropriates them to itself as their owner, and thus reaches the awareness of the unique one who has appropriated everything within his own I-ness and has made the world the content of his own life.” (116)

By negating all standpoints outside the self and rejecting any idea, belief, expectation, or seeking of something higher than self, you end up on a standpoint ofnothing.

From that lack of all standpoints, you, the Ego, finally remember the freedom you were born in, which arises as “a nonchalant acceptance of things which appropriates them as the life-content of the self and enjoys the life of the self in all things.” (103)

So remember, the next time God, Truth, justice, morality, expectations, ideas, beliefs, the state, or any other concept or abstraction seem to bring you down–Enjoy the life of the self in all things.

For that is your freedom to enjoy. And there is nowhere you won’t find it, once you remember to simply look.

And the next time someone tells you you’ve got to kill your ego, you can enjoy a deep belly laugh at the joke you just made. Then shout, “Leggo my Ego!”

And for now, dearest Ego, I bid you goodnight and sweet dreams. You can rest easy knowing that your opportunity through Command Z is always to move from the victim of circumstances to the owner of your life and the adventurer and explorer of your world.

See you at the workshop.



PS: My Rabbi friend used to say, “Wherever E-goes, I go.” Ha!


4 Responses

  1. Beautiful, refreshing perspective on the ego. This article is a wonderful, clarifying reminder. Thanks!!! (Plus, seeing that old TV commercial was a blast down memory lane!)

    • Command Z says:

      Thanks, Robert! Yeah, so often people suffer for years, even decades, under the illusion that their own perception–their own conscious awareness–is somehow bad, or wrong, or needs to be killed. I’ve found the opposite to be true. Ego can be honored. Thanks for the comment, and yeah, that commercial is wonderful, eh?

  2. […] as refreshing and inspiring a voice as Richard’s echoing from the desert of the seeker. While my personal definition of ego differs from his, I’m confident after talking with him that the disparity is semantic rather […]

  3. Yep, I use different word to poke at the same problem but I’m right on board with you here

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