Workshop: Overcome PTSD & Childhood Trauma

What if everything you’ve learned about trauma and PTSD was wrong?
What if it’s possible to overcome PTSD and childhood trauma with nothing more than your body, breath, and a few paradigm shifts that will forever change how you view yourself, your life, and the painful, intense experiences of the past?
I propose it is indeed possible, and have demonstrated this possibility with countless clients over the last 20 years of doing this work.
It blows my mind how complicated and convoluted the psych industries have made this issue…
So here’s a new solution, and one you can do for yourself, every day, with a small amount of effort applied in ways you might not expect.
Some of these tools make you wonder why you never thought of them before.
But of course, there’s a good reason for that: most people are trapped in, and dominated by, the world of the mind and imagination…
Thus begins our work together.
In this beginner experiential workshop, we will cover the following:
-why the traumatized body and brain perceive relaxation as a survival threat
-why the imagination carries past traumas into new situations, and how to overcome it
-how to discern the difference between what’s going on in the mind vs what’s happening in reality
-how to undo the traumas of the past with simple, powerful body movements
-how to go from the victim mindset to the adventurer mindset, by creating the “inner spy”
-how TV shows and movies can help you overcome the victim mindset
-how a simple method of cleaning and declittering your house can bring you deep, lasting inner peace and trust
-deeper meaning behind concepts of blame and forgiveness
-how to abandon what I call “fake suffering” and embrace the proper kind of struggle, with joy and peace
-exact exercises to do if you start to panic or freak out
-daily cognitive experiments and adventures to break out of old ways of thinking and perceiving yourself and the world around you
-how sharing your gifts and acts of mercy can set you free from the hell of the mind
-simple exercises to break apart chronic tension and stress
-recovering childhood joy and innocence every day
-how to relax into the inevitable intensity and stress of daily life
-how to stop thinking of things and start doing things instead
-plus a lot more I can’t fit here..
This workshop represents over 20 years of personal work and work with clients all over the world.
I’ve always hesitated to use the words “trauma” and “PTSD” because I believe psychological terminology is damaging, and often delusional, and yet it’s ubiquitous.
So my aim is to use these words as a bridge to help you get from an intellectual understanding of your condition and experiences back into an embodied, grounded sense of presence and awareness, no longer afflicted by the vagaries of the often hellish imagination.
The workshop will take place live on zoom, on Saturday 11.11.23 and Saturday 18.11.23 at 10am Pacific Time//1:00pm Eastern time// 7:00pm CET.
The training will last two hours, and I will allow extra time for questions and discussion at the end of each session.
For the workshop: wear loose clothing, and have a couch, bed, or mattress available for the breathing and body movement work.
This workshop is priced lower than almost anything else I’ve ever done in the past. I want to help as many people as possible, and in a selfish way, I know if I can help you overcome these deep issues, you’ll likely want to explore my more advanced (and more expensive!) training options online and in person.
Keep in mind, this workshop is not for everyone.
Giving up the victim mindset can be painful, and might not happen overnight.
You will need to apply a small effort consistently over time to get the deepest possible results. Often, your mind will fight this effort and try to get you to quit.
Once you begin this work, there’s no turning back, so consider yourself warned.
If you have questions, just email me or message on one of the million messaging services out there.
I look forward to working with you.
Ah, the price.
This workshop is $200 total for both Saturday sessions, plus the homework and a guide you can print out to refer to long after the workshop.
It will also be recorded, so you can revisit the workshop anytime you want.
To register, click here:
(Note: no refunds. Think carefully if this path is for you before signing up. Also, I’m a bit old fashioned, so once I see you’ve signed up, I’ll email you personally with the zoom invite link, and all other relevant details. If you need assistance, email me at: )