I’m currently accepting clients into the weekly group sessions at the posted rate below. I highly suggest you book a month of private sessions and/or complete the Radical Undoing Intensive program BEFORE diving into the group sessions, so I can train you to do the movements properly, and arm you with the proper mindsets you’ll need for success on this journey.
Weekly Radical Undoing Group Session
$ 300 / mo.
Sunday 11am Pacific
- Live on Zoom with audio and video
- Private small group
- New experience every session
- Body movement and breathwork
- No silly new age or psychology BS
Private Work with Garrett
$ 3000 / mo.
90 minute weekly sessions
- One month minimum
- Meet at same day and time each week
- Additional experiments and exercises will be given for daily practice, according to your specific needs and situation
- Extremely fast results
- Warning: this work may turn your life upside-down. Tread lightly.
- Use the button below to make the secure payment. Include your email address in the notes. You will be contacted within 24 hours by Garrett to schedule your sessions.
Radical Undoing 28-Day Intensive Program
$ 5000
Massive course with daily adventures, morning routine, and over 30 hours of bonus training.
- Includes 5 live Radical Undoing Sessions with Garrett
- Plus 6 additional recorded sessions you can use anytime
- 28 Adventures to upgrade your perspectives and clean up your worldview from lies and suffering
- Tools, methods, exercises, and experiments to destroy chronic tensions, raise frustration and anxiety tolerance, and come home to your body.
- 24/7 text and voice access to Garrett for the entire month