NGF1 Art of NGF Victim to Adventurer Podcast #01

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF1 Art of NGF Victim to Adventurer Podcast #01

Welcome to the Art of NGF: Victim to Adventurer Podcast with Garrett Daun and Lance Leeson.

Episode # 1

For more information, and to subscribe to the show notes, updates, and transcripts, visit:

Make sure to leave us an honest rating and review, we enjoy hearing your ideas, experiences, and critiques.

  • Garrett and Lance shine the light back on the listener encouraging anyone listening to take center stage in their own adventurous life.
  • Can having fun can take the place of having problems?
  • ”Freedom,” what is it? Where can you find it?
  • Lance shares a personal story on hacking “limitations” by sensing & feeling the body.
  • Destruction, a sign your limitations are falling away.
  • Apocalyptic Dreams and their relevance to NGF
  • How taking a 100% responsibility for all of your life opens the Control Panel.
  • What to expect from this podcast…

Thanks for joining us for Episode #1! We’re super excited to be diving back into the podcast realm. We’ve got some beautifully useful interviews for you with some fascinating guests coming up in the next few days and weeks.

Here’s the face stretching video we mentioned during the show. Try it now!

Stay tuned, and be sure to subscribe for expanded show notes, early podcast announcements, and maybe even a chance to win some vintage Command Z and Art of NGF workshops…


Garrett Daun is the owner and founder of Command Z and the Art of NGF. Find out a hell of a lot more about him by clicking here.

Lance Leeson is a Brazilian Jujitsu trainer and professional musician. Check out his EP The Tombstone Medley by clicking here.

PS: The Art of NGF stands for the Art of Not Giving a F*ck, which is censored by iTunes if written in full. Do you feel protected and safe from the F word?


Break out of the asylum of anxiety and tension with Radical Undoing(No new age BS!)

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