Want to Know Who’s Running Your Life?

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Want to Know Who’s Running Your Life?

Hi there.

To answer the question about who’s running your life, you’re going to need a complex piece of advanced technology.

The good news is that you’ve probably got one somewhere nearby. The device in question is a tool often used for deep (and shallow) reflection.

I’m talking about a mirror.

Look deep into your own eyes in that mirror and you’ve got your answer. No matter what your circumstances, ideas, and beliefs tell you, you’re the one in charge.

In charge of what? Of your attitude about what’s going on, of your breath, of your observation, your awareness, and your ability to take action of some sort, or to do nothing at all. (nothing wrong with that!)

It’s really that simple. Now, if you find your mind vomiting up reasons why you’re not in charge of your life, notice that you still have a choice. That choice is to believe, to reject, or to simply ignore that stream of rancid thought that comes from gawd knows where and smears itself like a snail trail across the screen of your mind.

And by recognizing that you have that choice, you’ve proven to yourself in a very simple way that you, indeed, are running your own life.

This can be a hard pillow to swallow. (Who swallows pillows, anyways? Except those who dream of eating giant marshmallows…and those folks are just crazy.)

The point here is to start laughing at things. Silly things. Serious things. Doomsday predictions. Local, State, and National News, and all other attempts at reality TV. You can also laugh at the tragedies of history. Come on, give it a try.

Laughter is one of the simplest methods of psychic self defense. No, that’s not defending your mind against psychics–though that would be a good thing to keep in mind.

Instead, it’s about reclaiming your mind, stealing back the throne in the kingdom of your perception, and making your life your own again.

So laugh a little. Then laugh a lot. It’s good for you. And it’s the only way for you to beat the devil. Now you’re thinking I’m Christian, or at least that I’ve lost my mind.

I haven’t. I’m referring to the Devil tarot card, which just refers to the so-called evil of the world. You know…everything that scares you and drags you down into the pits of fear and the crippling paralysis that follows.

But when you laugh at things you’re not supposed to, you win back a little of your mental freedom, and YOU get to decide when you want to feel bad about things…not just because everyone else thinks you should.

And then, when you find yourself wanting to feel bad about things, laugh again!

Listen. You’re headed for a casket or an incinerator, probably faster than you’d expect, so laugh while you’ve got the guts to laugh with, and then do something that makes you happy…deeply, joyously, rapturously happy!

Once you’re in that casket, none of that somber, serious, historitragical shit’s going to matter, so it doesn’t really matter now either. What matters is your life!

After you stretch your face (breaking apart rigid emotional states and worn-out self images), shrug off everything that doesn’t matter (meaning almost everything except flowing more smoothly with your life), then it’s time to do a deep, hearty belly laugh.

If you can’t find it in you to do that, the following video from the Radical Undoing 101 course gives you an exercise that’ll help you to start enjoying more of your life, more of the time.

(secret: you have to actually do the exercise over and over, just like any other exercise you want to make you stronger.)

To learn even more about the power of the laughing breath, check out another video that gets even deeper into how and why it works:

I remember the first time I realized I could start laughing at all the things that used to drag me down. I was at a workshop with the late, great Dr. Christopher Hyatt, and he was making hilarious Hitler references. I found myself caught in a bind. (Much like the bind you might feel your mind twisting into now after reading the dreaded 6 letter combination: “Hitler”)

I wanted to laugh, but I wasn’t used to laughing at things like that. Something felt different that time, and I finally let loose and had a good belly laugh. You know what? I realized I could find humor anywhere I wanted, regardless of what I’d been taught.

Just because you laugh at something doesn’t make you a “bad person.” It doesn’t make you a supporter of genocide and dictatorship. It just means you laughed. No big deal.

If you find yourself full of tension now, I urge you to revisit those videos above and do the exercise right away.

Oh wait. I almost lied to you. There was another time I laughed at at a very inappropriate time. It was just after my mother’s funeral. I stood on the wintry street in central Minnesota, watching sadly as my friends all piled into two cars to head back to their homes in Minneapolis.

I felt a desperation sweeping through, and loneliness filled my body as I heard the cars cranking over and finally starting. At the last moment before heading out, my friend Tumbleweed leaned out the window with a huge, bearded grin and said: “Happy Birthday, Garrett!”

While my friends looked on in horror and told him to shut up, I couldn’t help but burst into deep, beautiful belly laughter. He broke me out of my trance of darkness, and I’ve never let it take over my perception fully since that moment.

So what’s all this got to do with transformation and undoing yourself?

Well, for one thing, the you that you think you are isn;t the whole picture. In fact, most of it’s composed of opinions and ideas that aren’t your own, and aren’t even true.

If that’s the case, then who the hell are you, anyway? You’ll have to go deep into your body and find out for yourself.

That’s what all these exercises are for. Well, that and having a lot of fun while you learn to start flowing more with what is.

In the next post, I’ll tell you about when I first learned what letting go really means, and how you can start letting go of even the most difficult obstacles in your life. (Another secret: it takes a lot less effort than you think.)

I’ll also invite you to the live Q and A where I’ll share all about the new Radical Undoing 4 Week Intensives (next round starts May 3!)

For now, go laugh your ass off and then get some rest.



PS: Radical Undoing 101 2.0 is in the works. What that means for you is a radically updated version of the course, with extras and bonuses galore. It also means a higher price tag as we improve everything about the course experience. So if you’ve been thinking about getting it, now’s the time, because you get lifetime access to all future upgrades, and this one’s gonna be huge.