From Victim to Adventurer in Paradise: Radical Undoing in Colombia

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

From Victim to Adventurer in Paradise: Radical Undoing in Colombia

Here’s the thing:

It’s great getting Undoing sessions over Skype. It’s the next best thing to getting a session in real life with a skilled practitioner.

The first time I ever had a session with Dr. Hyatt, it upgraded my understanding of the Undoing work in a huge way.

I went from earnest beginner to solid intermediate in that one experience.

But–that was the result of all the practice and efforts I made on my own.

If I hadn’t had the experiences before that, it might not have even made sense to me at all.

Since I decided to stay in Colombia for a while longer, I figured you might enjoy a visit down here too.

It’s especially beautiful on the coast here, right near the equator. There’s so many fruits, so many new foods, so many amazing wild areas filled with creatures and plants I’ve never even imagined before.

It’s time to take a break and get deep into your own organic nature.

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It’s also time to immerse yourself in the greater organic and wild flow–because that’s what the flowing life is all about:

Getting in deeper touch with yourself, and learning how to make yourself the primary source of information and authority in your life.

Experience your own bulletproof confidence.

Get a world-class undoing experience.

Fully catered organic meals–including local beer, wine, and drinks.

Spend a week in a beautiful villa on the coast.

Leave your old ways and your limitations behind forever.

Be prepared to take action on anything that inspires you.

Experience the victim to adventurer shift in your own life.

This is the very first time we’ve ever offered a workshop of this magnitude–live–and in a perpetual paradise overflowing with organic beauty.

You can expect to make vast headway on getting rid of fears, self-doubts, procrastination, and worries.

Plus, we’ll setup some adventures for you–and make sure every aspect of your trip is the most expansive, fun, and enjoyable experience you’ve ever had.

Let’s Undo In Paradise!

Click that button and I’ll send you an invite and application for the live workshop.

It’s limited to 10 people, as I want to make it the highest quality experience possible–and that gets tougher the more people you add into the mix.

I’m super excited to meet you in person, to demonstrate the immense power of the undoing work, and to help you EXPERIENCE the shift from Victim to Adventurer over that mind-blowing, life-expanding, limitation-busting week.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you a little more about the basic NGF training and how it’ll help you to overcome self-doubt, fear, guilt, and your old pesky habits.


From February 11 onward, We’ll be building toward the first round of Elite NGF 3 month training. You’ll still be able to do the basic training, but if you want sessions or to ensure that you get the best results in your undoing work–click here to get some sessions. (Sessions available for a short time longer. I’ll be restricting Undoing and Hypnosis sessions to Elite Training and in-person work ONLY.)