The Body Has No Troubles

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

The Body Has No Troubles

Have you ever seen a deer or a dog with just 3 legs? They don’t spend much time complaining. They just adapt to the new circumstances and keep doing whatever they want and need to do.

The body adapts automatically to almost any new situation or circumstances it encounters, inside and out.

You might argue that pain is a trouble of the body. Pain is an experience, yes, but what makes an experience trouble is the mind…the thoughts we think about it and the unconscious associations we make to it.

The mind has endless troubles, while the body has none.

The mission of Command Z is to refocus the mind onto the body…the vast and beautiful land of no troubles.

The trouble with clearing all the troubles out of the mind is that most people have built their entire identities around the recurring troubles they experience in their lives. When the troubles disappear, so do their identities.

This explains the prevalence of gossip, rumormongering, TV news, disaster footage, politics and religion.

Think about it. Since when does anyone or anything need saving? Do we really need to rescue the Earth from some imagined catastrophe? Or is that just a holdover from Christianity still living in the shadows of our minds?

When you refocus your mind on your body, you will witness directly that there are no troubles.

You might say that the only real trouble is the task of refocusing the mind on the body… It’s an Indiana Jones-style adventure.

That’s where we come in…

Choose Your Own Adventure… Find the Fountain of Youth… The Land of No Troubles. It’s been right there with you all along.




5 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    Great post… I have a curious dream this afternoon, in which a voice told “undoing is the end of the need”… what need could it be? the huge load of imaginary need, I suppose… thanks.

    • radicalundoing says:

      Thanks Chris-

      Undoing is indeed the end of the need… the need for troubles, the need for endless fruitless searches….

  2. Chris says:

    Just wondering if I could have your permission to make a translation of this one to put on my facebook… credits and links included… Thanks.

  3. Dante Romero says:

    This reminds me of when I was learning Qi Gong from John DuCane.

    He told me that I would learn to let go of my addictions. The addiction to needing to feel tension and stress hormones as a sense of identity, stability and comfort.

    Powerful Words! But, I must say.

    Radical Undoing is much more efficient at it than Qi Gong 😉

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