Tag: techniques

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Are you afraid of life?

Want to feel fully alive again? Therapy, self development, and “healing” won’t cut it. Too many false assumptions under those labels. Read on to find out what WILL cut it. What’s under that suit of armor (tense muscles) of yours? Have you ever wondered why most people live in a state of constant tension and…
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The Day I Infiltrated an AA Meeting to Change My Brain

I was sitting in my car alone after letting out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard come out of my body. I felt as though my face was going to tear open as it spontaneously roared thru me… Whoa, Where did that come from? I thought, my body heaving, then relaxing over…
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3 simple ways to relax now

how many times has someone told you, “relax…” ? probably more than you care to remember. telling someone to relax or chill is a sure way of getting them more upset. many times people command others to do things they don’t know how to do. “relax” is one of those commands. this article will arm…
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