Tag: radical undoing

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

What is an Organic Session?

You know that feeling… When you’re really connecting with someone… The conversation flows effortlessly, and your posture matches up. You don’t need to think, because everything is just flowing. You feel it, and you know they feel it, too. Maybe you’ve had moments of such deep rapport that it seems to verge on telepathy—like it’s…
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The Body Has No Troubles

Have you ever seen a deer or a dog with just 3 legs? They don’t spend much time complaining. They just adapt to the new circumstances and keep doing whatever they want and need to do. The body adapts automatically to almost any new situation or circumstances it encounters, inside and out. You might argue…
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The Beginning of Wisdom

This article is about true joy. It proposes that true joy and wisdom are one and the same. Proverbs 9:10 is often mistranslated from Hebrew as, “The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This has been used as justification for a rather tyrannical and wrathful conception of god as some warlike man…
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You Have Three Wishes

“If the development of civilization has such a far-reaching similarity to the development of the individual and if it employs the same methods, may we not be justified in reaching the diagnosis that, under the influence of cultural urges, some civilizations, or some epochs of civilization–possibly the whole of mankind–have become ‘neurotic’?” -Sigmund Frued, Civilization…
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undoing inertia

undoing: removing the layers of tension, fear, and worry layered on top of the organic, primal self in the form of muscle armoring or chronic tension. inertia: objects at rest tend to stay at rest. objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless changed by an external or internal force. undoing inertia the title…
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