Tag: radical undoing 101

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

How to change your life (radically) at the grocery store. (Guest Post)

The following delightful story was written by Mika J., a long-term client of Command Z. He wrote the story shortly after doing an exercise from the Radical Undoing 101 Course. Thanks to Mika for his boldness and willingness to dive into his own life and start experimenting! Good work at trespassing your limits, Mika. -Garrett…
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The Day I Infiltrated an AA Meeting to Change My Brain

I was sitting in my car alone after letting out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard come out of my body. I felt as though my face was going to tear open as it spontaneously roared thru me… Whoa, Where did that come from? I thought, my body heaving, then relaxing over…
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The Gentle Art of Not Giving A Fuck

With all the information available now, it seems everyone is an expert on everything. It can be tempting to join in the constant hysteria and try to sway or enlighten your company with your own meaningless points of view… Or, perhaps, you prefer to submit in obedience to your nearest alpha-intellect with his or her…
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