Radical Undoing 101: Adventure included…just add you (video inside)

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Radical Undoing 101: Adventure included…just add you (video inside)

An intimate peek inside Command Z’s Radical Undoing 101, plus Lance’s adventure field report (hilarious!)

The Radical Undoing 101 Course consists of four components:

1. Physical Exercises.

2. Written Exercises.

3. Cognitive Experiments.

4. Adventures in the world.

The Adventures available to you in 101 can be simple, exciting, frightening, and oddly profound.

Command Z asks:

Why wait for life to shock, propel, or thrust you out of your frustrated routines?

The changes you desire or find yourself afraid to make are available to you right now.

The exercises and format of the 101 course are designed to support you in your courageous undertaking.

Relax your grip.


Lance’s Radical Undoing 101 Field Report


Go to a grocery store and shop out of other people’s carts.

This adventure comes from the Non-Sequitor Suite:

When I came across this adventure my first reaction was a cringing resistance. I thought to myself;


What’s the point?

What if the shopper punches me in the face?

What if they call security?

These thoughts and emotions gradually defused into:

Why not do it?

What is this Adventure all about for ME?

Where is my fear coming from?

How am I going to accomplish/approach this?


1. Avoid eye contact take the goods and run.

2. Say hello take their stuff and await the backlash.

3. Ask if I can take their stuff, when they say “no,” I take it anyway.

4.  Say pleasantly “oh, I was looking for those, thanks” and walk away with a smile.

5.  Run in, start grabbing shit and deal with the “consequences.”

Ok, Time for Action

As I do before entering most potentially stress inducing social situations, I loosened myself up with undoing exercises, Simple Twist of Face, Atlas Shrugged, and the Laughing Breath.

Ok, I’m ready to go, I’m walking in the Safeway door;

I wandered about the store looking for someone to strike.  As I would approach potential “victims” I would feel anxiety rush through my pelvis and feet, my breath shortening.  (The more I “undo” the more I have become aware of the physical origins of my fears).

I walked past one young woman kneeling down with her basket a few feet away, I decided I didn’t really want to bother her, in other words I chickened out…no biggie.

I turned the corner and saw an entire family around a cart, I must have been thinking safety in numbers, I have no idea, but I had definitely flicked the switch, I was going to take something from this family… There they are, Bananas!

I inspected their cart and announced pleasantly, “I was looking for these, thanks.” I took them and put them in my basket smiled nodded and walked away.  As I walked away I heard the whole family BURST into laughter.  Alright! When I first considered this exercise I thought it could end with a fist fight; that was not a bad result at all!  I walked away smiling, feeling anxious but more confident.

When my own giggling subsided I spotted another woman with a cart.  I felt uneasiness rising in the body and I could feel my heart strongly beating.   I approached her and enquired about a bag of potato chips, she replied that that there was a deal-“ four bags for 10 dollars in the other aisle”. I asked if I could have her bag, she replied with an an emphatic “NO”.  I reached in her cart and took the bag anyway, I put it in my basket, said “thanks”, smiled and walked away. I heard her shout at my back “Asshole!!”

At this point I began to feel a little anxious, I let the sensations rush over me, I wandered looking for another shopper to “steal” from.  I ended up at the cash register.  I paid for the bananas and the bag of Lays and headed for the door walking straight past the sour lady glaring directly at me one more time. I repeated my gratefulness to her “thanks again” I sang, as I walked out the automatic doors, barely containing my laughter.  Anxious energy and laughter rushed thru me as I walked out into the outside air.

Mission Accomplished.


By challenging my boundaries in the grocery store, I acquired loads of information about how I approach other aspects of my life.  As the “moral dictates”(lol) of grocery shopping lose their power in my perception, I start to see the arbitrariness of other matrices that exist in my world view.  Webs of meaning that exist only in my mind.  I also start to see this more and more in others around me, how their imagined boundaries imprison their free expression.  It’s one thing to think about and read about it. It’s a completely different thing to experience firsthand.

I have found that Radical Undoing 101 has encouraged me to bump into my own bars and apply heat, freeing up space for me to move about freely in the world.  As I begin to strategically and intentionally dynamite myself internally with Undoing techniques I find life opening up, Not just in the grocery store but everywhere.  The bars begin to fade into their surroundings as life opens up for me to greet it.

An Invitation

So, What do you make of this?

What does this adventure say about grocery shopping? What does it say about how I approach potentially tense, confrontational situations in my regular life??

And where does my fear arise from? My imagination?  Was my life at risk?

What do you make of this?

What thoughts and feelings does the exercise awaken in you?

Do the experiment and tell us about your experience.  (Or don’t do it and keep your assumptions about it.)

Or better yet, join in all the fun and change for fucking ever.

Follow the link to get Radical Undoing 101 and join in the fun.  101 is a game/life changer. The forum is available to you for your support along the way.

Click Here to Explore Radical Undoing 101.

…We all relax our grip eventually…

2 Responses

  1. Edmar says:

    Just by reading about the exercise I felt profundly anxious.

    • Lance says:

      For sure, Edmar. And I would be being dishonest if I said I went thru with it on my first pass.
      But, keep in mind, anxiety is natural, its the labeling and interpreting of the sensations in our bodies “good” or “bad” that gets us stuck.

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