on discomfort.
there is nothing inherently desirable about comfort, and there is nothing inherently undesirable about discomfort. neither is there anything inherently desirable about discomfort or undesirable about comfort. they are located at polar ends of a linear continuum to which transcendence exists at a right angle.
any attempt to expand oneself, through radical undoing or other means, inevitably results in at least some discomfort, as one pushes boundaries, makes mistakes, does things for the first time, receives feedback. the attempt to limit discomfort through stasis is rarely successful: the spirit that would feed on experience begins to feed on itself; the unconscious, recognizing the thwarted longing to grow, initiates a self-destruct program. discomfort thrives.
so perhaps the essential distinction is not between comfort and discomfort but between expansion and decay. if we pursue ourselves through existence, joyfully and without demanding rewards, pats on the back, or reasons to keep going, we see quite clearly that neither comfort nor discomfort is an accurate measure of how far we have gone, are going, will go . . .
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