NGF54: Floki the Croatian Boatbuilder

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF54: Floki the Croatian Boatbuilder

silhouette of a man during sunset

Tonight on the Art of NGF show, Garrett and Floki–the mysterious Croatian boatbuilder–discuss the prison of tradition most people get trapped in, and steps you can take immediately to break free from it.

From Floki’s perspective, the roots of human pain and suffering can be found in their unconscious addiction to repeating things they really don’t want to be doing.

You might want to listen to this episode a couple times, and then pause to take some small, potent actions in your own life to step away from traditions that might just be draining you of precious life force and time…for no other reason than familiarity…

Enjoy, and leave a review in iTunes or wherever you listen to the show.


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