NGF42:Ozark10: The Toll

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF42:Ozark10: The Toll

Welcome to the (almost) final episode of the Art of NGF Ozark Talks.

In this quintessential episode, we cover many of the loose threads that get tied up, and the new cans of monkeys and barrels of worms that get tipped over, ready to get explored in the upcoming Season 2 (Release Date: August 31 on Netflix!)

If you’ve been following along up to now, you already know how this works:

First, you watch the entire first season of Ozark, then you come on back over here and listen to episode 1. Then you watch episode 1 again, and take in the show in a whole new light, the light of transcendence and transforming your perspective from one of a victim of circumstances to one of an endless adventurer on the ever-expanding frontiers of your own life.

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations. We’ve got a very special episode in store for you.

Enjoy! and be on the lookout for Ozark Talks Episode 11: Back to the Lake, which will be released as a celebration just before Ozark Season Two premiers.

Have fun, go deep, let your imagination bask in the glow of the characters and the story, and most of all, relax and embrace the journey.