NGF41:Ozark9: Coffee, Black

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF41:Ozark9: Coffee, Black

In tonight’s episode, we see Wendy and Ruth stealing the show and stepping up to help Marty’s plans go from spontaneous ideas into solid form.

We also see Russ and Boyd move on to “a better place,” with Ruth’s cunning and skillful–if reluctant–help.

This means the Byrde family might now have Ruth, Wyatt, and his little bro Three on their hands. Things go deeper with the Snells, and everything feels like it’s about to go bottoms-up.

The true meaning of family starts to shine through all of the characters. Even the betrayed Russ tried to make good on his yearnings to have a better life, and when he couldn’t, he still had his boys and his brother on the top of his mind.

“Coffee, Black” has the power to help you see your own connections in life in a powerful new way.

Who’s your real family? Who can you dispense with to help move your life more in line with what you really want?

Let us know what you’re getting from this Imagination Training exercise, by leaving an honest review in itunes.

See you soon for Episode 10: The Toll, and find out for whom the church bells toll…
