NGF40:Ozark8: Kaleidoscope

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF40:Ozark8: Kaleidoscope

In this exceptional episode, we dive through the looking glass, or in this case the kaleidoscope, to see through the some of the core elements making up the deep drama and beautiful transcendence of each of the characters in the show.

We get to see how Marty and Wendy, and all the other characters in the series, have ended up in the intense situations of the show–with much less volition and choice than any of them realize.

So what does this have to do with you and your own life?

You might feel some of the sting of regret from making “bad choices” start to ease up. If you can face what episode 8 tries to convey, you’ll earn yourself some deep relief, and maybe even some profound appreciation for every moment of your life, and learn what it truly means to go with the flow in the moments you have remaining.

We don’t choose our destiny, but we do get to participate in how it all unfolds.

Episode 8 gives you the keys, and that sweet relief you might never have known could be yours.