NGF38:Ozark6: Book of Ruth

NGF38:Ozark6: Book of Ruth

Welcome back to The Ozark Talks. In Episode 6, we get to go much deeper into the life and inner world of Ruth Langmore.

As she gets closer to Marty, Wendy, and the Byrde family, will her loyalties waver?

Has Marty found his best friend or his worst liability in Ruth, with her criminal past and not-so-secret desire to kill Marty and get away with the cash?

Find out all about Ruth, and how to use this excellent show to train your unconscious mind to transcend circumstances, live with confidence, and maintain a personal code that fills you with integrity, strength, and flexibility.

This and more, just from watching a show and listening to a podcast–well that, and deciding to play an active role in your life, from today onward.



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