NGF31: The Ozark Talks 0 (Preview) Get Ready…

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF31: The Ozark Talks 0 (Preview) Get Ready…

We’ve got an insanely special presentation for you, starting today.

Never before has a TV show trespassed into such potent transcendence territory as Ozark.

After my first viewing, I called my comrades Lance and Taylor to see if I Was just making things up.

We all decided to give it a second view.

I even showed the first episode to the guys at the Art of NGF UK Workshop in August 2017.

And yes, from what we all deduced, the major NGF themes of: moving from Victim to Adventurer; Facing Death to Come Back to Life; and Always Moving Forward Using Circumstances to Your Advantage all appear in Ozark.

We loved the show so much that we recorded a special 10-Part Series–one for each episode of Ozark Season 1–for you to use as a form of Imagination Training, to actualize the principles of transcendence exhibited in the show.

And simply because we loved every aspect of the show, from the set design and writing, to the acting, casting, and cinematography–Ozark delivers as a TV drama, and as a vehicle for you to go from victim to adventurer, and to learn how to stay present and live your life more powerfully in the flames of circumstance that surround you.

We proudly present: The Ozark Talks!

(What follows is a Ozark Talks Episode 0: A Preview. Later today, you’ll get episode 1, and we’ll release one per week over the next 9 weeks, plus a special recap at the end. Enjoy!)