NGF13: Be the Bitch at the top, not the Ho on the bottom (Ben Settle 3 of 3)

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

NGF13: Be the Bitch at the top, not the Ho on the bottom (Ben Settle 3 of 3)

Ben Settle joins Garrett for part 3 of our Art of NGF Bonanza

The evening’s entertainments include:

Down and dirty guide to getting started in bizness. Follow these tips and you’ll get off the ground in no time.

Find out exactly why competition is a good thing–never something to fear.

If he had to start all over today, Ben said he’d choose this as a focus for his business.

Exactly why you’re no good to anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Secret wisdom from the classic film: Boyz in da Hood.

Why you should never do this specific thing for free if you ever want to make good money.

The vast, secret power of specialization–and why you need to do it in your business right away.

How to find the people who are already 80% sold on the value of what you have to offer.

How to be the Bitch at the top of the mountain and not the Ho at the bottom.

How and why to elevate your performance to match your actual worth.

And a hell of a lot more.

Go deeper with Ben here:

And here: