Many doubt…few transcend

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Many doubt…few transcend

What if what I’m saying is true:

*anxiety is fake,

*suffering can be transcended,

*life can be amazing every moment.

Are you willing to find out?

That’s the key question here, and you probably know it.

It’s not enough to criticize and demean every idea that contradicts your worldview.

Instead, can you find the cracks in your previous beliefs?

Can you allow the possibility that you don’t need to suffer for the rest of your life?

I ask you again, what if what I’m saying is true?

Take a hard look at your life, and get a vision of what it could be like if you somehow dropped the suffering of your mind.

What would that life be like for you?

Can you see it?

Can you grasp the importance of this task, if what I’m saying is really true?

What would it mean to you, and to everyone you care about, if you could get beyond your own complaints and anxiety?

What would you be doing different in your life, if what I’m saying is true?

If you doubt me, let’s take a look at what Nate Hough, a longtime client, says about the training:

“Through you I have found this out first hand and I hope others do too!

“I know for some people it can be hard to take that first step as some people either have become comfortable with their fake suffering and accepted it as their fate and other might just be too afraid to reach out but it doesn’t have to be that way!

“You can thrive and transcend through it all and come out the other end a brand new and improved life loving, confident hero of your Journey.

“Garrett has been doing this stuff for a long time and it works and not only that it works fast!

“I have witnessed the massive transformation in myself and also many others that Garrett has helped over the years.”

Much humble thanks to Nate for his words and efforts…

It can be one of the most painful experiences to abandon your suffering, but once you’ve done it, you’ll look back and laugh at how simple it was.

And you’ll see that even the years of suffering weren’t a waste after all.

You’ll see the magic in the present moments of your life—yes.

But you’ll also see how that magic was present with you in all your past experiences too.

Right now, you can avail yourself of two different approaches to accomplishing this goal:

1. Come to Croatia in July for the Undoing workshop.

workshop! (save $500 before Feb 15!)

This is my favorite event of the year, hands down.

2. Get into the 4 Week Intensives.

Warning: you won’t be able to return to the way your life was before you started the training.

Take this warning seriously, and consider deeply if you really want the deep transformation this training makes inevitable.

There were moments in my own journey that I wish I’d never gone down this road.

But now I look back at that old version of Garrett, and I’m proud of him for persevering and seeing it through to the end.

If you’re ready for the first step, get on my calendar and I’ll give you extreme clarity on whether or not this training is right for you.

If so, I look forward to working with you.

If not, I’ll give you my best to help you move in the right direction to get the most from your life.

Comment, and let me know your thoughts.

And get on that calendar here:

schedule here

Break out of the asylum of anxiety and tension with Radical Undoing(No new age BS!)

Your prison break starts now. Enter your email to get the "Prison Break" guide, and follow the instructions carefully. See you on the ouside!

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