How’d it feel your first time?

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

How’d it feel your first time?

I felt all tingly inside for a few minutes afterward, a little giddy, you know, like when you just can’t keep your lips and cheeks from grinning all over your face?

After that, I didn’t notice too much of a difference, but something had changed…even if just a little.

That tiny experiment would eventually cascade with diligent repetition and thousands more experiments just like it into a radical transformation of the way I saw everything in my life.

It may not have been as monumental as the first time ever having sex, but the first time I ever did the slow face stretching, I knew I’d found something very different from any of the other life change and consciousness exploration approaches I’d been mired in for years.

Those first 5 minutes of stretching my face led all the way to me doing this business and writing you this email right now.

I just finished an hourlong undoing session–conducted by my beautiful partner, who’s getting quite good at it now–and I figured it’s time to get more personal about how all this came to be.

After the first time I stretched my face, I noticed a small time distortion, and the hold my emotions had over me seemed to loosen up…just a little.

Instead of identifying with the sadness, anger, or even happiness, I noticed a strangely deeper level of something creeping into my awareness. Something made itself known underneath all those shifting emotions and changing mental states, I just didn’t know what the hell to call it, yet.

Here’s a vintage video of me demonstrating the face stretching, long before the days of Command Z:

There’s something so utterly simple about listening to and following the wisdom of your own body that you can manage to ignore it for years.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve made the same trade unknowingly–you traded the simple flow of your organic, embodied life for a mind overflowing with stress and complexity.

The other part of that trade that no one ever seems to talk about requires your body to bear the burden of your mental overwhelm in the form of anxiety, tension, and rigidity. Look around, you can find the rigidity everywhere…

Listen to it in the voice of the cashier at the gas station.

See it in the shoulders of the waiter bringing your food.

Taste it in the chemicals designed to make you eat fifty more chips long after you stopped feeling hungry.

Smell it in the deodorant hiding your animal nature.

Feel it in your own tensed muscles.

I’m here for one reason: to tell you you’re beautiful exactly as you find yourself right now. 100% self acceptance is a prerequisite to this whole undoing journey, so I want to inspire that in your from the start, and all along the way.

This is your wake up call to go deeper into your life, and start enjoying a hell of a lot more of it…exactly as you experience it now, and even more as you go deeper.

You can start today by setting a timer–right now–for 5 minutes. Then just stretch and move every part of your face SLOWLY. Your eyes in different directions, nostrils, cheeks, forehead, brows, lips, tongue, and jaw. Breathing deeply while you keep stretching and moving your face–SLOWLY.

After the 5 minutes, just close your eyes and feel what you can feel in your face.

In the next post, I’ll tell you about the emergency going on in your neck and shoulders, and how to get the weight of the world off your back.

The only trick here is actually doing the exercises. That’s what you’re here for, so like Tim Leary used to say: Take a chance and break your trance. This is your life. This is your consciousness. So claim it and enjoy!

Soon, I’ll tell you about another first time…before which, I had no idea that I even had a body. Yeah, it’s that weird…but true.

Leave a comment or email me and let me know how it felt when YOU did the exercise. I love hearing from you.



PS: The next round of Radical Undoing intensives starts on May 3…and I’ll be doing a free, live Q and A on google hangouts very soon, so stay tuned!

Break out of the asylum of anxiety and tension with Radical Undoing(No new age BS!)

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