Feel like Christmas every morning

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Feel like Christmas every morning

It’s your natural state.

You’re an explorer.

Don’t realize it fully?

Maybe you’ve spent too much time living like a corpse, mouldering around in graves and mausoleums with other corpses.

My friend Claude (author of Just Because Club and the Original Handbook for the Recently Deceased) and I were talking about this the other day.

Someone said, “when you were a sailor, sometimes you wouldn’t expect to get back home for years at a time.”

Claude said, “For an explorer, there is no ‘back home,’ there’s only the next place.”

That’s how life works–whether you trap yourself in a mausoleum for most of it or not.

Things always change.

Who you were yesterday is gone.

While many get scared back into the tomb by this realization–some know how to embrace it.

Some know that life consists of a constant, neverending exploration.

The realization of life as constantly unfolding and changing fills these adventurers’ sails with endless joy and motivation.

They wake up every morning feeling like Christmas and all the moments of the day are a pile of wrapped presents waiting for them under the tree.

And it really feels that way.

Get a present for yourself that gives you the training to embrace your own unending exploration:

Your Exploration Awaits (click here)