What Chris Cornell and Robin Williams can teach us

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

What Chris Cornell and Robin Williams can teach us

The lesson goes like this:

Those who don’t unleash and master the imagination will suffer unto death.

And die you will anyways, so cut out the suffering.

Like one of the guys at last year’s U.K. Workshop.

He saw that the only way other people’s actions could hurt him was in his own mind.

He saw that his imagination rules and guides everything he experiences.

He witnessed how it governs all his moods and emotions, perfectly, at all times.

He faced down his worst fears and gave up his false suffering.

And a deep, abiding happiness emerged.

No, not a fleeting joy based on circumstances.

A happiness for having circumstances at all.

Now’s always your chance:


Break out of the asylum of anxiety and tension with Radical Undoing(No new age BS!)

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