Charlie Sheen just killed his inner victim on live TV

Radical Undoing Breath and Bodywork

Charlie Sheen just killed his inner victim on live TV

At Command Z, we are huge fans of Charlie Sheen.

But not in a juvenile “lol, famous man is silly” kind of way.

We appreciate Charlie Sheen because he has repeatedly demonstrated transcendence in action. We even named two powerful exercises after him.

Remember a few years ago, when Charlie “went off the rails” and started talking about bi-winning and tiger blood? Several of us around here recognised great truth in his expressions.

We’ve referred to this video in some of our workshops, and it’s a good example.

The interviewer says “Your anger and your hate is coming off as erratic”. Charlie responds: “Passion. It’s all passion.” Do you see how he effortlessly dismantles her reality tunnel?

The interviewer tries again: “I think some of the things you’re putting out there are making people think something’s wrong with you.”

Charlie responds: “That has nothing to do with me… People are, I suppose, free to interpret stuff as they must. What are you a doctor of?” He reveals the interviewer, and his critics, to be incapable of clear thought, unqualified to assess him.

Now for the crowning achievement. The interviewer suggests that Charlie may be bi-polar. His response: “Wow. What does that mean? … I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there.” Charlie demonstrates that the interviewer is vomiting labels the way a drunkard plays paintball. Then he accepts himself 100%, making himself invincible to her judgments.

While the interviewer mistakes words for reality, Charlie understands the void between the two.

Can you see that, as unhealthy as Charlie Sheen may have been at the time of that interview, he had more clarity than most people ever do? He could see straight through the interviewer, with all her fearful judgments.

Today, the spotlight is on Charlie Sheen once again. On live TV he announced that he was diagnosed HIV positive four years ago. During that time has paid blackmailers millions of dollars to keep his secret.

But no longer. Today, Charlie Sheen recognised that he was in a prison of his own making, and decided to leave it forever. He faced his fears, fighting what must have been incredible inner resistance, by going public about his condition and thereby undermining the extorters.

Charlie must have been terrified, having avoided this situation for years. Today, he gathered up his fears and walked through the fire in order to free himself. His resistance burned away in the process.

I have a sense of what Charlie must be feeling right now. Exhilarated that he not only survived, but triumphed. Astonishment that even though he was in free fall earlier today, he persists, more full of life than ever before.

Charlie Sheen’s inner victim is dead. He executed it today, live on television. Let this be an inspiring example. All the self-hating nonsense that we waste time and energy on, instead of living, can simply go.

Charlie Sheen is a patron saint of the Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and we salute him.

Command Z Gatekeeper

P.S. For just a few more days, our Art of NGF legacy workshops are available. Use the code HOLIDAYCHEER and you’ll get a chunk off. If you get any workshop, we’ll send you a very special NGF Energized Self Hypnosis mini-workshop, containing an enormously powerful technique that you won’t want to miss.

One Response

  1. This is a fantastic post. I watched the video and saw Charlie in a whole new light! Thanks for opening my eyes.

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