
“Am I having a heart attack?”

That’s what I thought after the first time I ever did a full Radical Undoing session.

I must be having a heart attack. I never knew it could feel like this. I never knew it was possible to feel this much life coursing through my body!

That’s what kept running through my head in that cold room in Buffalo, Wyoming 90 minutes after deciding to do a simple “meditation experiment” I’d been meaning to try.

Holy goddamn fuckin shit, was that an experiment! More like an adventure! I forced my small, hardback Moleskine journal open with one fist, and wrote with a pen jammed into the clasped fingers of my other hand.

Buzzing and tingling radiated throughout every inch of my skin and body. I literally thought I could be dying, I was so unfamiliar with that much intense aliveness.

“Dinner’s ready!”

I was at my partner’s parents’ house for Christmas vacation, and the dinner bell rang in the middle of the most intense

It gets more powerful every time you do this.

I’ll keep this short, so you have time right now to try out this exercise. It’s very simple, and you can use it to shake yourself out of bad moods, to relax deeply, to feel more alive, and see things from a new perspective. If you’ve tried any of the exercises I’ve sent out over…
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Your Problems Aren’t the Problem

It’s your focus on what’s wrong. When you learn to let go–and I mean letting go in the most direct, physical way possible–you’ll watch most of your problems fade in the rear view mirror as you race into a radically different life. Captain Jack Sparrow says it best: (click “display images” to see) My handy computer…
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Want to Know Who’s Running Your Life?

Hi there. To answer the question about who’s running your life, you’re going to need a complex piece of advanced technology. The good news is that you’ve probably got one somewhere nearby. The device in question is a tool often used for deep (and shallow) reflection. I’m talking about a mirror. Look deep into your…
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What do monkeys, chips, and worlds have in common?

Today I promised to get into my own undoing story a little more deeply than yesterday. I’ll be telling a lot more of the story as we go, and giving you some exercises and motivation along the way. I recently asked folks on FB what they feel is the most important factor in self transformation.…
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How’d it feel your first time?

I felt all tingly inside for a few minutes afterward, a little giddy, you know, like when you just can’t keep your lips and cheeks from grinning all over your face? After that, I didn’t notice too much of a difference, but something had changed…even if just a little. That tiny experiment would eventually cascade…
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